Monday, June 4, 2012

Hello Swities,

How's is you all doing... Hope you are not as busy as me. And that's why my absence from my blogs and visiting others too...
Anyways, since I haven't posted anything since last two weeks, I thought of posting on what I have been working on (in the minimalest time I get, I hope if that word actually does exists!... Lolz)....
I have recently just been working of some quills and simple flower making. Actually last week I was also not keeping much well but now fine and back in action (hopefully!!!)...

Without being more wordy, I wanna share my quills with you...

This Beehive technique I learned from simple tutorials by Pritesh. She is a master at quills. I wanted to try something in Black and White and the first flower from top came up. It looks cute. I also made a butterfly on the same lines. The photo follows soon. My personal favorite is the Orange and Blue one... It looks really beautiful in actual....

Another Picture of the beehive flowers......

Here come's the Black-White Butterfly.. It looks cute, isn't it?
A side look of the cute butterfly.....

Next I tired some color combinations and came up with these fringed flowers... I had actually seen the tutorial somewhere but unable to locate the URL... Sorry:(.... But these flowers look really cute... I actually loved the way so many colors turned up.... I even tried to have more than one color for the center of the fringed flowers (You can see in the yellow one and the cream orange one in extreme top right of the picture..)
A closer look....
Next I thought of giving a try to these wonderful flowers I saw here at Syaz Cards. I thought of making in Black and a light yellow combination. It looks amazing in actual...

And how could I forget White too... And hence, made the same flowers in Blue, Yellow and Orange with white combination. See the pics below....

Just made some variations in the sizes.... Thanks Syaz for this idea.. They look AWESOME!!!!

Now if you must have seen  my older posts, I had made a flower in Black outline (Again Black....) with Red and Cream quill fillers... I wanted to try again something on the same lines.. Thankfully, I picked up strips of colors and not just black or white...:(
Here how they look...
Another angle....
That's all for now girlies...
I hope you all like the flowers... If so, do lemme know.....
Also if you can suggest some improvements, Please do lemme know so I can implement them and become better at quilling....
Chao....!!! :)
Kip Smilz.....